1 Name: chaoskaiser72 : 2023-08-06 17:53 ID:pugng0OZ [Del]

                                Λ_Λ  \\
  彡ニ彡ミ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄      ( ・∀・)   | | 
  ( ´⊇`)< Spenny spenny spenny      と    )    | |
  (   ̄ )  \__________        Y /ノ    人
  | | |                           / )    <  >彡彡∩
  (__)_)                        _/し' //. V`Д´) /
  ^ Albert                        (_フ彡      ̄ / gackt

Claimed in the name of Albert.

2 Name: Nameless : 2023-08-06 17:59 ID:8w2SvepO [Del]

konnichiwa minasan ! ! !

3 Name: Nameless : 2023-08-06 20:06 ID:EOZcPbGE [Del]

Dark times ahead, the sky turns red, a shadow rising on the horizon wracks the world with dread

4 Post deleted by moderator.

5 Name: Nameless : 2023-11-30 01:07 ID:iYxxyKvH [Del]

This 93 Corolla I'm driving is still churning like it should. Most of the time. Also churning is for butter.

6 Name: chaoskaiser72 ## KAISER : 2023-11-30 01:18 ID:oyTtlPEJ [Del]

Growing up we had a 1991 Geo Prizm which was a Corolla of the generation before yours, it was a pretty great car except for the problems caused by it being built by Chevy. Ours was the first gen to have a really strong engine for as little weight as it pulled. Always hate to see the few 90s Corollas left in states of extreme abuse.

7 Name: Nameless : 2024-01-14 19:07 ID:i0NKQkHT [Del]

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